[DmonHiro] The Quintessential Quintuplets (BD, 720p)

2019-07-22 15:35 UTC
File size:
5.5 GiB
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Uesugi Fuutarou is a very smart. He gets the top scores every time. But his family is poor. So when he hears that a wealthy family is looking for a tutor he thinks it's his big chance to make a lot of money. He's not wrong, but this job is way more trouble then he bargained for. And it's not just one student that he has to tutor. Enter the Nanako quintuplets. They absolutely hate studying, and some of them absolutely hate him. Before managing to tutor them, he first has to get them to like him. In some cases though, he might succeed more then he thought. And old-school harem comedy that actually does things right. Each of the girls has her own distinguishable personality. Ichika is lazy, but a hard worker outside of school. Nino is distrustful and cynical, but extremely passionate and a quick thinker. Miku is shy and reclusive, but level-headed and loyal. Yotsuba is pretty dumb, but an athletic wonder and extremely cheerful. Itski is vain and naive, but headstrong and determined. And yes, it's all numbers puns. You might have a hard time picking a favorite girl, but there is definitely something for everyone here. By the way, my favorite turned out to be Yotsuba. I have a soft spot for genki girls. And that "fake" confession.... Subs from HS. Enjoy.

File list

  • [DmonHiro] The Quintessential Quintuplets (BD, 720p)
    • Bluray Extras
      • BD Ad 1.mkv (7.5 MiB)
      • BD Ad 2.mkv (7.2 MiB)
      • BD Ad 3.mkv (7.4 MiB)
      • BD Ad 4.mkv (7.3 MiB)
      • BD Ad 5.mkv (7.3 MiB)
      • Clean Ending.mkv (25.5 MiB)
      • Clean Opening.mkv (63.0 MiB)
    • Bluray Menus
      • Volume 1.jpg (327.0 KiB)
      • Volume 2.jpg (353.5 KiB)
      • Volume 3.jpg (325.3 KiB)
      • Volume 4.jpg (303.9 KiB)
      • Volume 5.jpg (335.0 KiB)
    • 01 - The Quintessential Quintuplets.ass (42.1 KiB)
    • 01 - The Quintessential Quintuplets.mkv (452.8 MiB)
    • 02 - Rooftop Confession.ass (43.3 KiB)
    • 02 - Rooftop Confession.mkv (511.4 MiB)
    • 03 - A Mountain Of Problems.ass (37.6 KiB)
    • 03 - A Mountain Of Problems.mkv (423.5 MiB)
    • 04 - A Day Off.ass (36.2 KiB)
    • 04 - A Day Off.mkv (552.1 MiB)
    • 05 - Five Fifths.ass (33.4 KiB)
    • 05 - Five Fifths.mkv (524.2 MiB)
    • 06 - What's Been Built Up.ass (40.5 KiB)
    • 06 - What's Been Built Up.mkv (429.1 MiB)
    • 07 - Liar McLieface.ass (42.1 KiB)
    • 07 - Liar McLieface.mkv (429.6 MiB)
    • 08 - Photos Of The Beginning.ass (42.1 KiB)
    • 08 - Photos Of The Beginning.mkv (420.3 MiB)
    • 09 - The Legend Of Fate - Day 1.ass (40.8 KiB)
    • 09 - The Legend Of Fate - Day 1.mkv (440.4 MiB)
    • 10 - The Legend Of Fate - Day 2.ass (37.5 KiB)
    • 10 - The Legend Of Fate - Day 2.mkv (427.2 MiB)
    • 11 - The Legend Of Fate - Day 3.ass (31.6 KiB)
    • 11 - The Legend Of Fate - Day 3.mkv (467.5 MiB)
    • 12 - The Legend Of Fate (Day 2000).ass (37.2 KiB)
    • 12 - The Legend Of Fate (Day 2000).mkv (454.9 MiB)
Miku Miku Miku Mi...
Does this have chapters ?
did the BD version fix some of the sloppy animation from TV version or?... just so i know if its worth downloadin this o,o

DmonHiro (uploader)

1. No chapters. 2. I did not notice any animation fixes. 3. ??? 4. Profit.
PS: DmonHiro stinx. Old people stinx.
Better than deluding yourself into thinking that you are 18.
Let's ask everyone who's the best quint, and why is it Yotsuba?
Miku? What are y'all saying? **Nino for life!**
>did the BD version fix some of the sloppy animation from TV version or?.. just so i know if its worth downloadin this o,o Yes the BD version definitely has a ton of redraws http://wotaburo.com/post-112147/
@ Tennouji ... for me it's a difficult choice between Miku, who IS a real sweetheart (and smart) ... and Yotsuba ... Yotsuba has the whole ditzy hopelessly cute totally helpless thing going, she very definitely needs someone to do most of her thinking for her and take good care of her, add to that her having a really nice set of boobs, and a tasty looking body to go with the boobs ... and I tend to lean more towards Yotsuba as who I would pick for myself :-D
>add to that her having a really nice set of boobs, and a tasty looking body to go with the boobs … and I tend to lean more towards Yotsuba Dude, they are quintuplets. They all have the same body lmao.

DmonHiro (uploader)

komugi, they all have the same body. Literally.
Raiha best girl, oops...
Your inner lolicon escaped there a bit bud...
#TeamHarem, they're all too good but if if the author is going for just one #TeamMiku. >add to that her having a really nice set of boobs, and a tasty looking body to go with the boobs … and I tend to lean more towards Yotsuba lol, adding also they all look exactly the same. The way its portrayed in both manga and anime is to make a cosmetic distinction to us. We can see signs of this in the anime where Fuutaro has trouble making out who is who unless he spots their accessory, clothing, way they talk, etc.
Nino, then Yotsuba.
@ all the people who think the 5 girls are all identical clones of each other ... sorry but that isn't quite true taken from https://www.verywellfamily.com/identical-twins-2447126 "Despite their shared gene set, identical twins are unique individuals. No two individuals are exactly alike. They are influenced by slight differences in the environment in the womb as well as other factors once they are born." ... so if that applies to "identical twins" ... it would also apply to identical triplets/quadruplets/quintuplets/sextuplets/etc you can use the link I posted as a starting point to do some RESEARCH into the realities of genetics ... so I stand by my comment about Yotsuba's boobs & body :-p :-D and before I forget ... @DmonHiro ... thank you :-)
Pretty sure that people here already know about epigenetics, but the story implies that they look almost identical that Futarou can't distinguish them among each other unless there are other external hints. Maybe Futarou is an imbecile, but that possibility is eliminated by the fact that he's academically competent. But in hindsight, of course Futaba isn't the same as those four.

DmonHiro (uploader)

He does eventually learn to tell them apart. Their grandpa considers this as proof that he is worthy to marry into the family, since up to that point only he was able to tell them apart.
@ Tennouji ... yes, they will all look very similar to each other, just not "exactly" the same to each other ... and as for Futarou not being an imbecile simply because he is "book smart" ...just because a person is "book smart" does not mean that they are smart in everything ... in my own life I have met people who are incredibly smart in one area of knowledge, but that's it ... a person can be a "genius", and be a hopeless mess when it comes to social interaction, or completely obliviou to just about everything except that one subject they are incredibly smart/talented in ... LOL, look at many Hollywood actors, some of them can be incredible actors, but totally stupid in everything else @ DmonHiro ... that seems to be a pretty common thing among people who spend a lot of time around twins/triplets/etc ... a person who is at least reasonably perceptive, will in time, be able to tell the siblings apart ... based on things like minor differences in how they look, and especially based on differences in their personalities oh, DmonHiro ... do you have, or do you know of anyone who does have, the old anime series Coppelion (preferably 720p x264) ... what torrents there are of it here on nyaa, are pretty much dead, even the more recent ones ... on one or two of the torrents there were requests for re-seeding ... so there are people who do want it ... I know I am one of them

DmonHiro (uploader)

Sorry dude, that series is not part of my collection.
Being academically competent means at least someone is more likely capable at basic logic and reason. Arguing otherwise is someone a bitter disgruntled flunker would say. Futarou isn't depicted as a hopeless mess or anything in the story, so I don't get your point.
@ DmonHiro ... I understand ... thank you for the reply :-) @ Tennouji ... if you didn't get my point from the examples I used, then I am going to drop this conversation and just let you enjoy your own thoughts
You shouldn't have mentioned about it in the first place, since what you were trying to say doesn't really mean anything about the story. I don't know what you're trying to prove about Futarou's academic capability and those Hollywood actors, but your correlation doesn't add up to anything.