~~There's a short intro to the episode before the opening on BD. Unfortunately got no subs for it. Having watched the episode now though, I think it might be tidbits from the episode spliced together. So I'll look into it later.~~
### **V2: Subs for Intro added now. Thanks to a KaiDubs fan for providing translation of the last line as it wasn't a clip from the episode. Next week's (110) episode also has an intro and assumingly a unique line as well. But when I opened the episode to do chapters ahead of time, the added intro is a immediate spoiler >_< So I'm splicing it off for initial release. V2 afterwards with it back on and with subs hopefully.**
### **Download the patch only and patch your original copy or just download the V2 if you don't want to or can't. (Patch only for Windows/Linux. Sorry MAC users...)**
JPBD Video from [Moozzi2](https://nyaa.si/user/Moozzi2 "Moozzi2 on Nyaa")
Audio from Adult Swim
Subtitles are also included.
Subtitles 1 (Default): Songs - Opening by KaiDubs by RickyHorror [Crunchyroll] (Typeset and KFX by KaiDubs), Ending by NEGU (Edited by KaiDubs for JPBD)
Subtitles 2 Closed Captions from Adult Swim
Subtitles 3 Crunchyroll ([RH](https://nyaa.si/user/rickyhorror "RickyHorror on Nyaa")) (Re-typesetted by KaiDubs to match KaiDubs Closed Captions Styling)
Get notified for releases here:
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Can also reach me on Discord. Also can just come chat! Talk about the latest episode! (No spoilers if you’ve watched further ahead subbed or read manga. This is for Dub fans, be respectful please..
> i dont know if its just me but the windows installer isnt working
The patcher, you mean? Extract the zip and drop the original (v1) episode in the folder.
Then run the file named like Apply.Patch.Windows.bat (Or linux.sh for Linux)
Note: The filename must be the same as original. (I.E Ep.109 - The Mightiest Enemy Zeroes in on Goku! Launch The Knockout Spirit Bomb Now! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv)
If you renamed the file, rename it back before running the patch.
> @KaiDubs i want to ask, this is Bluray Version ?
Japanese Blu-Ray Video / Japanese Blu-ray Audio. Web (Adult Swim) English Audio.
Stuff is detailed in the description.
It took me way too long to realize that the first part of the episode was something that's only on the BD and thus was never dubbed, so you were trying to get English subs for it and that's what the patcher adds. Also, the patcher just moves the file to the old folder without actually patching it in and creating a new file for me even though it says it ran right. Doesn't really matter since I downloaded the v2, but thought I should mention.
Comments - 5
KaiDubs (uploader)
KaiDubs (uploader)