**Video:** [Okay-Raws 60fps](https://nyaa.si/view/1132764)
**Translator:** Netflix (edited)
**Karaoke:** Haircut Anon (restyled)
**Timing/Typesetting:** Giant Rat
**QC:** Rat
**Encoding:** `-libx264 -preset slow -tune animation -crf 22`
A word of caution: if using the RokuTV Plex client, the video and subs will lag ~2 seconds behind the audio. This can be fixed by lowering the bitrate (at the expense of subtitle clarity) or by remuxing with [Ohys-Raws](https://nyaa.si/view/1131318). Other Plex clients (and other video players) do not appear to have this problem.
File list
[RATS] High Score Girl - s01e14 [900p].mkv (319.6 MiB)
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