All 39 episodes of Hanasakeru Seishonen ripped from directly Crunchyroll in 720p with no further video encoding as to not degrade quality.
Uploader Notes:
E03, E04, and E39 have modified styling to match the rest of the series because Crunchyroll’s subs used different fonts than the rest of the series for some reason.
Comments - 6
Thanks but is it just me or are most of these subs really that small? Kinda need some extra glasses to be able to read them…
Thank you.
This is rare. Wasn’t expect such surprise. Thanks:)
Seeeder pleaseee…
I love this animeee…
Yea, seeing the same… subs are so little at bottom left corner
Well, it’s only so for a few episodes… like 1, 3, 4 and 39
Decided to check the episodes and edit the subs for those where the font was too small. Link to the v2 subs. Now I just have to find the recap episodes somewhere :3.