[edited GJM] Kaguya-sama 06

2019-02-20 17:27
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2.7 MiB
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Alternative sub track for GJM release - to be used with GJM’s video file. Replaces the HS release.

  1. Honorifics
  2. How cute
  3. Shuchiin corrected to Shuuchiin
    Really unfortunate that they decided not to listen to my advice and didn’t look up the reading of the kanji. But hey, I’m a helpful guy - https://imgur.com/a/xwlIcDw. If you’re gonna say you want to be inconsistent in the romanization system you use because of “official” romanization (there’s no such thing, rules need to be followed), look at this: https://twitter.com/anime_kaguya/status/1065774303403102209

File list

  • [GJM] Kaguya-sama ~Love is War~ - 06 [2EF4D7DE].ass (2.7 MiB)

@Astral: Shut up and get off of here

gee i wonder who the uploader is

All in all, this seems like some good work, and yeah, GJM are too stiff about this, everyone would be happy if they just gave us 2 subs, I presume translationg and taking care of the signs itself for each episode, makes something like doing 2 versions of subs, one with honorifics and how cute, seem like a piece of cake.
They are doing great work noneless but I hope they dont get too haughty about it.
The situation was the same for Index S3.

As for you, do you have plans to cover all the episodes? I mean this is all nice and dandy, but if you start and then dont finish it… would prefer to not even use it, from start then.
(thank you for your work noneless)

It takes me literally 5 minutes to do this, so yeah, I will finish it.

based and weebpilled

thank you for doing this. fuck Good Job Media!

Superior release, I’m not watching this but I DLed just to +1 the DL count.

Fyurie’s comment on the previous torrent about “Shuuchiin” being wrong because the show has a scene where it is spelled “Shuchiin” is inane. Surely we have all been around the block enough times to see many examples of Japan cannot into English. “秀知院” is most definitely kana-ized as しゅ う ち い ん which is most accurately romanized as shu u chi i n = Shuuchiin. Here the word is romanized in several common romanization formats:

Nihon-shiki/Kunrei-shiki: “Syûtiin” (Oh god, my eyes. I think this is right, anyway - ISO 3602 is paywalled, but even if this is slightly wrong it is horrible regardless)

Hepburn-shiki: “Shūchiin” (Better, but macrons suck)

Imajapaneseanimesweatshopworkeranddontgetpaidenoughtocare-shiki (Hepburn but just straight up ignore macrons): “Shuchiin”

Actuallygood-shiki (Not standardized, but essentially slightly modified Wapuro or Hepburn with logically expanded macrons - used on every anime database, every place anime is discussed, anywhere worthwhile Japanese is discussed outside of the navel-gazing hell of academia): “Shuuchiin”

Why stick with a bad romanization style just since one scene in the show used it? No one wants to write “Senjyogahara” because it looks awful and no one wants to write “Senjōgahara” because it is a pain in the ass to copy/paste macrons from google. We as a society generally have agreed to write it Senjougahara. So let’s stick with Actuallygood-shiki unless there is a very compelling reason to do otherwise, yeah?

^Either of those Senjo-something works fine for normal viewers. It’s not as bad as a misspelled proper English name, as Japanese doesn’t usually write their names in alphabet.

Also, if you imply that Shuchiin is wrong here then how would you explain that scene that would likely appear at times for the remainder of the show? You point out that it’s because of Japan’s inability to write in alphabet properly but then who are you to correct them? It’s already there so just deal with it.

We’ll take feedback more seriously when you present it in a way that doesn’t require using insults to get your points across. We listen to plenty of people who don’t act like assholes. That’s all I’ve got to say on that matter.

We’ll revisit the romanisation idea down the line but right now it’s staying as it is. If you don’t believe me, then: https://puu.sh/CPEXL.png

Ultimately, though, romanisation is dumb and is a dirty hack at best to allow foreigners to recognize Japanese words. I wouldn’t put a huge amount of stock into any of its conventions because, at the end of it, it’s just bad anyways.

Also, one word to prove how dumb romaji is: 「東京」

What insults exactly? I said I fixed it to be consistent, you said I was wrong, I proved you wrong. That’s the order of events. There is not a single insult in any of the posts. Or is being told that you’re wrong insulting?

It was consistent with nothing, though. We chose the reading that Japan used because it was more conforming to see one thing and also read one thing, in a language-set that is bad at best.

Isn’t the “but it doesn’t match what I see!” argument something people bring up all the time? We do it this one time and now it’s wrong. It’s a perfect example of how so much feedback is actually useless to us because, in someone’s eyes, something is always out of place.

We can’t win.

Nah, people say that the translation doesn’t match what they hear, specifically regarding how characters address each other. The romanization system you chose was clear from the list of names in episode 1 (3:29 - 3:32) where ou, oo, and uu were used for long vowels. Don’t even try to pretend that you would have used Syutiin, which is valid romanization, if it was on screen. And surely you are not bothered by the cries of the plebs, considering you like to ignore established terms or translations for popular phrases.

Dear Fyurie,

Sorry. I don’t mean to be an asshole, and I’m sure Red doesn’t either. I have always seen nyaa comments as a fun way to have some non-serious banter. In fact I toned down my post quite a bit, removing a jocular line about you “having an ego steadily approaching one millionth of that of herkz, i.e. DEFCON 3 territory” to be less confrontational - but perhaps I should have left it in to make it obvious I am not typing everything in earnest. Because people have wildly different opinions, you will get shit even if you pour everything into a release. But at least know that your work is appreciated collectively. I do too - I was but a wee lad who knew no nihongo when I erected a shrine in my room to Kaylith’s excellent Zankyou no Terror release, and another shrine next to it to mourn Kaylith’s subsequent demise, so I have been a fan of your work in particular before. No hard feelings?

That being said - I really do think “Shuuchiin” is way better, even if “Shuchiin” is written on-screen. Like @Betterdeadthanred comments, complaints about sub-anime mismatch are almost exclusively based on the audio.

As for the 東京 example: Actuallygood-shiki handles edge cases like this so well precisely because it is not standardized. 秀知院 -> “Shuuchiin”, but 東京 -> Tokyo. Why? Cause ain’t no one wanna read “Toukyou”. Similar exceptions can easily be made for common place names, English loanwords, and stuff in the general anglophone anime lexicon: “Osaka”, “Tohsaka”, “kendo”, “Gendo”, etc. I don’t wanna see “Gendou” on screen for Shinji’s dad, it’d be weird, but neither do I want to see “Ishigami Yu” - give me my double “u” or give me death, I don’t want that Crunchyroll shit.

This same philosophy of “give the people what they want” is also a legitimate argument for keeping “How cute”, although I also think that that is simply a nicer translation anyway. But whatever, keep “adorbs”, those who care enough will just come download this sub file - but at least give the plebs nice romanization.

What the fuck are you even saying? Of course the system is standardized. It’s called modified Hepburn. The reason it’s not done for some words is because those have been adopted into English. Tokyo is the English name for Toukyou, just like Vienna is the English (stolen from Italian) name for Wien. That obviously does not apply to Toosaka, Gendou, or whatever else seems weird to you.


I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that is the case. My understanding is that both traditional and modified Hepburn use macrons in certain circumstances. See https://i.imgur.com/TzqgBuF.png, https://i.imgur.com/H7STnYx.png (from Wikipedia on Hepburn romanization). Actuallygood-shiki obviously uses no macrons. Additionally I believe that both Hepburn styles use a “t” to represent a sokuon (っ) followed by a “ch” sound (ち, etc.), for example the tea, “matcha”. Actuallygood-shiki uses a “c” (reference “ecchi”). There are additional other differences that come to mind that I won’t bother listing.

In the sense that Actuallygood-shiki (or Internet-shiki, or Fansub-shiki, whatever you want to call it) uses only ASCII English characters it is most similar to waapuro (also not fully standardized, ref https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wāpuro_rōmaji) but still has some notable differences, such that づ is represented as “zu” or sometimes “dzu” rather than the awful “du”. (Unless you’re Coalgirls, see mouseover at https://diff.pics/K7P5MqfBQgKX/1. This still annoys me years later.)

In any case, it seems to me it’s quite clearly its own thing, and also quite clearly not standardized based on people still doing different stuff all the time like whether to use “wo” or “o” for を and such. If you want to make the argument that Actuallygood-shiki is derived from Hepburn, therefore is a “modified Hepburn”, then okay, but it is not standardized. The best you’re going to find is stuff like MAL naming guidelines which is by no means a proper standard. If I am wrong, then so be it, but I don’t think I am here.

Getting this riled up over one letter to approximate a word from an entirely different writing system is pathetic.

lmao it’s one fucking letter you spergs don’t you have something better to do with your time

As someone who hasn’t watched Kaguya but is interested in doing so

I have no idea which one to watch

I do like Honorifics, so I guess this one??