Hardsubbed, optimal quality mp4 for viewing on pretty much any device.
Subs by VentoGiusto
Video codec: HEVC
Audio codec: Opus (experimental)
Wanna learn how to convert mkv files into much smaller and more convenient hardsubbed mp4?
Join the discord channel and we'll help you out! https://discord.gg/nmKTZAg
PSA: This is probably the last series/season I'll be uploading. I'm immigrating so I won't be able to upload for a long time. However I will be happy to help anyone who wants to learn how to hardsub/encode. We have a bunch of easy-to-use scripts ready so you can hardsub/encode with just a few clicks and we're usually around to update these and to help anyone who's interested in having more convenient, much smaller size files. Join us!
Comments - 2
Kuruje (uploader)