[Mizore]Asobi Asobase OVA

2019-01-28 10:22
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15.2 KiB
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  • asobi-ova.srt (15.2 KiB)

please can you sub the ova from Uma Musume and Koi to Uso

Mizore (uploader)


@paoalmyros is that first one only one episode? I’ll try my best to have the Koi to Uso OVA’s tomorrow

@Mizore thank you!! Uma Musume has 3 OVA and Koi to Uso has 1 OVA

And now he’s ruined another show with this shitty guesslation.
Need someone who actually knows Japanese to sub this masterpiece.

Kamiyan93 the Japanese is less the problem, its the English. :P

Superb guesslation or fail guesslation though? I mean there is a spectrum there. Just like with autism.

Damn, these subs are mostly guess work. The simple parts are OK, but any time one of the girls makes a joke or a reference, the subs are terrible. Example: 03:58.605.
Subs say “A maid can’t comb like this!”. Actual line is “The only think I could do with a hairdo like is is challenge people to play card games of darkness 24 hours a day!”. Obvious Yu-Gi-Oh reference. Basically, he made an educated and poor guess at to what was being said.

Thanks But this is most likely for the OAD not the 2 special OVAs. And yeah sometimes its just guesswork or ommiting stuff. Thank god I know a bit of moonrune speach.

@DmonHiro: Actually, the line is "My turn! I object! The only person to have this kind of hairstyle is a shadow-game-obsessed card gamer with a split personality ". To be fair, Asobi Asobase is a hard show to sub.

Correct, I was paraphrasing. I don’t remember the exact line. Hopefully someone will make good subs for this,