Man, this turned out to be some pretty amusing release timing.
Video: iAHD (US BD)
Audio: iAHD (Converted to FLAC, otherwise untouched)
Subs: kBaraka edited+timeshifted (Font fixes, tweaked "progress toward explosion" TS, a few small dialogue changes, and nobody would *ever* actually say "Brother" in the third person)
Video/audio for shorts: Akatomba-kBaraka
NCED is straight from Akatomba-kBaraka, and since the NCOP doesn't exist (From what I can tell, the credits are part of the original animation), I cut out the OP (with credits) from episode 1.
I wanted to include the dub, and I didn't want to bother with either chopping off the first second of iAHD's audio or adding a second to the beginning of Akatomba's video if I could've avoided it.
So... you have no problem converting iAHD’s audio to FLAC, but removing the first second so that it allows for a better encode to be used throughout the whole show is too much of a hassle.
Converting to FLAC is just a matter of tossing it into ffmpeg. Chopping the audio requires figuring out precisely how much to actually chop off, since it's probably not *exactly* a second.
What's wrong with iAHD's encode?
I feel like syncing/encoding audio is one of the least time-consuming parts of making a dual-audio release. Maybe that's just me. Load up the two tracks in Audacity and figure out the delay from there. You could just mux the FLAC audio with a negative delay, or incorporate the difference in Audacity and encode to FLAC from there.
iAHD mostly (if not exclusively) does USBD encodes, which are generally (I would say over 99% of the time) worse than JPBD. As for the actual encoding, I believe they just toss it into Handbrake and no filtering is done. Or maybe that was DHD.
In any case, Akatomba would certainly be an improvement.
Comments - 15
The0x539 (uploader)
The0x539 (uploader)
The0x539 (uploader)
The0x539 (uploader)