Funny story, I actually finished this episode almost two weeks ago, but forgot to bring it with me when I went out of town, which meant I couldn’t hand it to my wonderful Friends. Not sure why exactly, but it ended up being delayed for almost another week after I got back as well. But, nonetheless, it’s finally here, and I hope you enjoy it!
We also corrected the Cellien spelling for this episode (and from now onward) since someone asked us to in a previous episode. There are also a few other minor things that you probably won’t notice that I corrected which we were originally planning on holding off on until the batch for consistency reasons.
We’ll also be using CR video from now on which is notably better quality (given the style of the animation, the bit-rate is probably much higher than it needs to be in parts, but I’m certainly not one to complain) and the right frame-rate! So no new re-encode this time.
CR: Encode
Graze: TL, TS, Edit, Timing, QC
Tactics: Dissonant Friend
jymmy: Mellifluous Friend
As always, hope you enjoy the show and feel free to leave any questions, comments, concerns in the comments section just below the file list!
Comments - 16
Thank you for subbing this!
thanks, these are really nice shorts! I hope we can still do Kemono Friends 2 together!
This is OVA’s of Kemono Friends? Specials, OADs, ONAs? Extras? What’s “Welcome to Japari Park”? I watched anime first season, so I want know what is this.
AMCGrady (uploader)
@Maxine I look forward to it. =)
@Kamyne Maybe I’ll keep the note in for future releases in light of your question, Welcome to Japari Park is a short series by Director Kasugamori Haruki, it operates on the original game world line and explores some of the lore of the original series. The series is a fun, fairly typical web series and explores many aspects of the lore which we haven’t seen too much of in the main Kemono Friends anime.
It’s an ONA and you can watch with or without the first season. =)
Thank you. I just need Devidol subbed.
@AMCGrady Thanks for explanation, I go do download this.
Will we get these before S2?
AMCGrady (uploader)
@Seedmanc Yeah, I should be able to do that. I finished 4 other subtitling projects I was working on since I released this (I think?), so there’s not so much in the way now. I’ve been focusing on Rakugo S1 a bit in hope of finishing the new TL by New Year’s, but I shouldn’t have much trouble catching up to ep10 after then.
AMCGrady (uploader)
@Seedmanc I realised I remembered the KF S2 air date wrong. I shouldn’t have too much trouble getting up to ep11 into QC in the next few days though, as long as nothing too unexpected happens.
I hope you continue subbing this series. I love this one!
AMCGrady (uploader)
@Moses35i I will! There’ll be a big break after Ep 11 until the 15th of April for some reason, but rest assured I’ll be on it as soon as it comes out (as long as I don’t forget or something)! Ep 7 is currently in QC, and at least Ep 8 will be by the end of today too. =)
*Patiently waiting…
AMCGrady (uploader)
@Moses35i, I’ll be putting ep11 into QC after I wake up, so once that clears they’ll all be ready for release, so you won’t have to wait much longer (or at least I hope)! =)