## Dragon Ball Super US Blu-ray Part 1/2/3/4/5 + Textless Opening/Endings ##
### **Main Credits** ###
#### *Video: 1-65 (US BD) by KaiDubs (Thanks to jdcox215 for providing Part 5 [53-65] BDMV. I no longer had the files and haven't bought the BD yet.)* ####
#### *Audio: 1-26 English (USBD) from [iAHD](https://www.nyaa.si/user/iAHQ "iAHQ on Nyaa"), 27-65 English (USBD) by KaiDubs* ####
##### *Q: Why are you using [iAHD](https://www.nyaa.si/user/iAHQ "iAHQ on Nyaa") instead of your own audio for 1-26? A: Blu-rays Part 1 & 2 used the Japanese Opening for whatever reason (Including on the NCOPs for Pt 1/2) and English came in Part 3 onward. iAHD took the time to do a re-release of their own once Part 3 hit to update Part 1/2 with English Opening Audio. So that's what I've opted for it in this release. Not really much point in doing the same work myself when it's already been completed.* #####
##### *Q: Why is there a cover song on the Textless OP/ED 3? A: Before I did releases myself, I followed KamiFS and then on weeks they missed or were notably late, I found EXIL3. EXIL3 used these covers (by [Mark de Groot](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJbR4SetBGArnYcFHtyHXZw "Mark de Groot on YouTube")) and unknowningly, I thought they were official to some degree. I thought maybe they were a different region or for some stupid reason Funimation had two versions. I already had the cover injected in and I took the time to subtitle it. So... it's there. If your a Mark de Groot fan, rejoice. If not... then... well... ignore it.* #####
### **Subtitles Tracks** ###
1. Songs & Signs (Dub) by KaiDubs
2. Closed Captions (Dub) by KaiDubs [1-19] (FunimationNOW), 20-52 from annyomous fan donation. (Ripped from CRiMSON/W4F releases + They subtitled the previews)
53-65 from FunimationNOW. All typesetted by KaiDubs and replaced opening/ending subtitles.
#### **Opening/Ending Subtitles** ####
* Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KaiDubs
* Ending 1 (Hello Hello Hello, 1-12) by KaiDubs
* Ending 2 (Starring Star, 13-25) by KaiDubs
* Ending 3 (Usubeni (Light Pink), 26-36) by KaiDubs
* Ending 4 (Forever Dreaming, 37-49) by KaiDubs
* Ending 5 (Yoka-Yoka Dance, 50-59) by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from DragonTeam
* Ending 6 (Chao Han Music (Fried Rice Music), 60-65 by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from OGG
### **Screenshots & Media Info** ###
*Screenshots: https://diff.pics/OwR9JKPBV0se/1*
*MediaInfo Sample: https://pastebin.com/Cqk6XRQV*
### **Closing Notes** ###
*Just fulfilling a [10-bit Encode Request](https://nyaa.si/view/1090993#com-1)*
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KaiDubs (uploader)
KaiDubs (uploader)
KaiDubs (uploader)
KaiDubs (uploader)