Hotaraku Kagayaku
Shining Fireflies
Hotaraku Kagayaku is an OVA from 1991 written by Ikeda Daisaku. The story is about Chisato and how she made her way back home from the war.
- I did this project because nyaa user “Ozawa_Kun” asked me to do it. (I’m a sucker for WW2 stuff so I did it eventually)
- The video is an ancient [ARR] VHS rip so it looks and sounds pretty bad, but for some reason this is one of the rarer Ikeda Daisaku works, so there’s probably not a better rip of it on the internet.
- I used the current day, english names for the cities.
- I had trouble understanding the fat kid due to bad audio and him slurring his words.
- I’m actually stupid and accidentally made 昭和20年8月 into August 1942, when it’s actually August 1945 (When the Soviet invasion of Manchuria began)
Comments - 5
Thank you so much.
thank you
Those poor japanese people… in China… in 1942…
Glenn_ (uploader)
oh fuck that’s my mistake, it’s actually 1945 (I miscounted the Showa calendar)
otherwise it’s fairly historically accurate.
Soviet air fighter who shoots japanese refugees in China, and japanese girl who dreams about all nations be round dancing.
Yeah, so historically accurate…
Japanese-nazi alliance and unit 731 must be just fairy tales…