Recording for Day 1 of Mogra's 9th Anniversary show series from August 24th, 2018.
Day 1 featured some great sets like IOSYS and Taku Inoue. Unfortunately, due to technical issues with the stream and mogra's internet, 20 minutes of IOSYS' set was lost. The rest is so hype that it makes up for it, but it's still a little bit of a shame. Also the stream ended very abruptly after the show ended so no talking segment. The .cue might be a little off, since I kept a running tally of transitions, but then had to subtract 21 minutes off each timestamp because of the dead air I had to remove.
See ya tomorrow for Day 2!
Yeah. The second day's stream is wrapping up right now and the file will be up as soon as I convert and make sure the there's no issues with it. So give it an hour after the show or so.
Comments - 4
Oboe (uploader)
Oboe (uploader)