Ended up working on this a little later than I was expecting to, no real reason apart from a computer upgrade and being away last weekend.
Something different was posted a little bit earlier than this ep so I thought this short series had ended, but it continues.
This one carries on from the previous episode too, and is a fun little chat as usual.
Presented by:
Graze - TL, Timing
jymmy - Editing, QC
Twitter - Video ( https://twitter.com/irodori7/status/1013069965933535233 )
Previous episodes can be found at https://nyaa.si/view/1043562 , https://nyaa.si/view/1032448 and https://nyaa.si/view/1030508
Hope you enjoy this month’s episode and feel free to leave any questions or thoughts in the comments!
Comments - 3
Thanks :)
Thank you for these.