It is a humble request to please Seed this torrent, I do not know till when I will be able to continue to Seed.
This torrent contain Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden subtitles. Many times people ask only for subtitles and could not find them separately, either they are part of larger torrent which went dead(no seeders) or they are softsubbed in episodes and you have to download whole episode to extract them, I found these subtitles 4 years ago on torrent, and thought today why not seed them, but unfortunately could not find the original torrent to seed, so I created new torrent.
These subtitles can be virtually used everywhere where the episodes are not trimmed down, so basically they are more or less can be used everywhere.
These subtitles can be used with SB-RAW Naruto and all others.
SB-RAW Naruto is the highest quality Naruto episodes (Only Naruto, Shippuuden has better options given below) that I have ever found in my search of 6 years now.
You can view the torrent here [SB-raw][NARUTO][1-26][R2DVDRIP][x264_ac3].
I am seeding that torrent also. It is live torrent and you will be able to download 100%.
I think best quality episodes for Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden are:
Episodes Number | fansub group | Note |
1 - 135 | SB-RAW | Episode 220 is cannon, episode 136 - 219 are fillers (some good, some awesome and some bad) |
Episodes Number | fansub group | Note |
1 - 53 | SB-RAW | |
54 - 88 | somuchmore | did not released further episodes (as far as I know) |
88 - 352 | takafansubs | did not released further episodes |
352 - 385 | kuramafansubs | did not released further episodes (members are same as taka) |
385+ | WCP, NotWCP | There are many choices and I have not been able to find best. |
I think WCP and NotWCP are good, Hatsuyuki fansubs quality is not good enough. (You can find taka/kurama style subtitles for these episodes on .
You can find all the sources listed above on, just search them, and I am seeding all of them so there will be no problem in downloading, in case you encounter some problem do mention them in comment to this torrent.
You can comment if you need something, or want to know where to download episodes or any other information you want.
I want to thank the community here and and that was on and all other naruto communities, the pirate bay, and every other information source that helped me watch naruto.
I am grateful to Masashi Kishimoto for discovering Naruto, it is inspiration for me and many others.
I love Naruto and it will always have a special place deep in my heart.
Comments - 26
Yo, this is tits. Think you can do this with both Bleach and One Piece too? Lmao
konoha (uploader)
@SSJLuffy, what do you mean??
Oh just meant if it’d be possible to time the subtitles for SB-RAW Bleach and One Piece also but if they aren’t series you’re into then don’t bother. I appreciate the work you put into this. Thanks!
konoha (uploader)
@SSJLuffy Yeah, I do not watch them, could you help me out a little, I just uploaded two new torrent, could you try to download that and also this one, and tell me if it is working, I want to test my uploading.
Wrong timing for episodes 108 to 119
konoha (uploader)
@Marche Thanks for telling, I cannot make sure that I will resync it and upload it, I will try to do my best, but I need your support too, can you resync half of them?? Also did you checked all other subtitle, nothing wrong with them???
Nothing wrong with the other episodes, and regarding the syncing, I don’t know how to do it, nor have the time for it sadly.
Hello thank you for this, anyhow does anyone have any working kurama or taka batch, preferably ep. 89 and up, I search here but most files r dead and nothing on Google either, thanks in advance
Hey @SSJLuffy do you have the SB-Raw or SOFCJ-Raws version of One Piece 001-206? I have synching subs for the DVDs but I’ve not been able to download the torrents for lack of seeds.
@konoha I’ll download this and the SB-RAW Naruto release and help seed, sure. Hopefully we can fix the sub sync issue too.
@Jorge3194 SB-Raw for One Piece should be on nyaa with 1 seeder every now and then. SOFCJ’s is on rutracker. I don’t have either of them downloaded though. Use google chrome for its translate feature since the site is in russian. You also need to make an account. Mind sharing the subs when you get a chance? Thanks.
Sorry for taking forever to respond
@SSJLuffy Give me your mail, I’ll send you the subs and share the Google Drive link to the SOFCJ’s version once I finish downloading it.
konoha (uploader)
@SSJluffy, Thanks, Yes we should fix the sub sync issue, could you take care of subtitles from 114 - 119, I will take care of rest. If it works for you.
Downloading all the SB-raws now, then I’ll download the subs and see if I can get them timed if no one has yet.
Does anyone have any links to SB-Raws 54 and up for Shippuuden? I’d rather have those than somuchmore’s. Also does Taka have better video quality than Horriblesubs? Another question are these subs the official ones or fansubs?
@Jorge3194 Any luck with getting One Piece all timed and downloaded?
@SSJLuffy Yes, I have SOFCJ’s One Piece with timed subs, give me your Gmail and I’ll share the Google Drive folder.
@Jorge3194 It’s Are they the official subs or fansubs?
konoha (uploader)
@ht91peb I have those, mail me at, I will share the link with you.
konoha (uploader)
@SSJLuffy Taka has a lot better video and subs quality than horriblesubs, horriblesubs is no match. I have every takafansubs episode, I am seeding too, though if you are having problem in downloading them, mail me at, and I will be happy to share them with you.
@konoha do you know if [SB-RAW] naruto raws are upscaled and or sharpened from the encoder? or do they naturally look that sharp?
konoha (uploader)
@ThePi7on I do not know about that, but they look very good, that is all I know
hello, the subs for shippuden are only till episode 90… have any alternative links buddy? and thanks for this one. i appreciate it.
What fansub did the Naruto 1-220 in this torrent?
Maybe I’m a bit confused; does SB-Raw also release subtitles or is that just the raws these subs are intended for?
@konoha would you mind sharing the link with me too for the releases of taka? couldn’t find a seeded torrent. thanks!
also, i mailed you already too (
Sadly there are missing the filler episodes and 90+ for Shippuuden, which I’m missing (i got these same subs from a mega link someone posted on the site).
no seed omg
Please i need dattebayo, taka/kurma subs.
@koticgood they’re very similar to darkdream but not timed for their release