ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!+Aqours+3rd+LoveLive!+Tour+~WONDERFUL+STORIES~ 大阪公演

2018-06-18 19:29
No information.
File size:
53.2 GiB
Info hash:

Enjoy. Bought from Tieba Baidu Seller

File list

i can’t seem to see any seed available, but just tried playing the day 1 file, its legit
day 1

@kyoko278 how to preview video

@france053 i just downloaded a bit and then play the video normally

How did u get that far!!!??how much have you downloaded?

@kyoko278 iono but im checking day 2 but it HPT live lol

Day 1 flie is legit but day 2 is not :/

@kyoko278 can u checking day 2 file ?

can’t check day 2 idk why

It ok but very slow dl god damm.

seems like the 2nd live is not the saitama one, thats ok tho since i haven’t found any 2nd live except from the saitama one
tbh this download speed is not gonna work, just quit and wait for the seeder

@france053 oh, i mean like i want the whole live not just the digest in the BD

So Day 1 is actually Day 1 3rd Live Osaka, but the supposed Day 2 is actually from 2nd Live rather than 3rd?

@kurosuccwaIG seems like it is… but the problem is there’s no seed available

@kyoko278 @france053 thanks

cannot download because of zero speed.

he just lying btw

i have both and it’s all legit

where are the seeders at on this still stuck at .04%

@eksdieksdi how about you try seeding the files then?

Are 2 files legit?
I’m so confused.

@himeko Oh i see day 2 file is legit now.

Osaka ? Or saitama live ?

@hadi942 Osaka performance. 大阪 = Osaka

Can someone confirm that Day 2 is legit now?

@rawkazu its legit
btw does anyone has a download speed that’s satisfying?

nah the dl speed just acts like sh*t


@france053 Thanks for your confirmation.

Hmm i see speed dl is up now.

So is Day 2 really from 3rd Live or what?? I’m so confused at this point.

@kurosuccwaIG Day 2 now Legit but yesterday is not.

what cause the dl speed to be this slow? even with the seeder, maybe bandwidth limited?

@kyoko278 I think host seeder is ded lol [Just Kidding]

Download speed is annoying as fuck. It’ll be at 5MB/s then immediately drop to like 9kB/s

Completed: 0

lol rip

Someone please upload it in 720p

@belchita no one dl complete xD

Why is the “Completed” at 0? I just started downloading it and it isn’t THAT slow. ETA 2 hours at most.

@notevenevan Mine was like that at the beginning then it slowed down, I’m now at about 55% on the Day 2 and it’s at a stable speed with about 2-3 hours remaining. Chose to skip the Day 1 file cause I already got it from that other torrent, but I’ll probably go back and download it since that other torrent was 720p and required the special player and I’d much prefer just the .ts

経過時間:14h49 残り時間:18h14
シード: 0/86 下り速度962kb ピア116/1056

Download keeps stopping at random %’s cause the down speed just plummets. This fucking sucks.

Keep fighting we reach to 50% now XD

Only D2 was completed
its leg

Day 1 file has problem i think bcuz it reverse download file.

Day 2 completed and legit. Day 1 won’t download so obviously broken. Get day 2 from here and day 1 from the 720p torrent with the player.exe file (it’s safe).

Welp, my download just randomly stalled at 50.6% and it won’t start again. Also, what do people mean when they say that the Day 1 file is broken? I thought Day 1 was legit.

Can’t downlod completed.
Please SEED uploaded.

Day1 is legit too.But the dl speed still sucks.I’m now at 50% then stucking all night with 0.3kb/s.

@mzaqadsk Hey at least you HAVE a download speed. Mine is just stuck at stalled…

Day 2 can be completely finished. (50.47% comes from this)
But nobody is seeding Day 1 file, so only 0.3% available. (0.13% comes from this)
So only 50.6% is available.


anyone have some issue like this? some part of the video i watch will have this problem come out…what video player u guys using to watch .ts file? im using vlc player…

Someone has Day 1?
Seems no seed for day1 now…

My email is tonkey@protonmail.com. If uploader have trouble seeding please send the 百度网盘 link to this address I promise to seed immediately and keep your identity secret

@bigheadzaii There is no problem. (The problem is only that you directly jump to that frame)
The normal compression algorithm does not record the unchanged pixels from the previous frames to reduce size.
Therefore, if you view the same frame from a timing point further left, this frame will become normal.
(Like the previous screen recording algorithm in iOS)

Sirs???! How do play? I can’t open torrent file in Windows Media Player???!!

VLC Player recommended

I tried to watch DAY 2 using VLC player and MPC-HC but I get block noise.
I calculated the CRC.

SHA256: 21cd74aaff4d6dd8ac61b9288ba361590ef1f12ec92961d43b4dccb5506e387b
CRC32 : 13BB940A

Is this value correct?
I doubt that the file is broken.

i have totally no problem in playing the file in both VLC and using the films and TV app in windows 10

The file you guys downloaded right now isn’t even completed yet. That’s why you get that error or some glitchy video. At least wait until it completed to play the video with no problem.

cmd command:
certUtil -hashfile “<file_path>” SHA256

Result: 21cd74aaff4d6dd8ac61b9288ba361590ef1f12ec92961d43b4dccb5506e387b

DAY1: No seeder
DAY2 is complete.

Please seeding the first day

Thank you for helping us fight those making bad money.
I’m still waiting for anyone who has the link for the first day, any drive or 百度网盘 is okay, please send to me, I’ll seed it anonymously and you won’t be discovered

@wingyintang Ohhhh okay, that makes more sense. Thank you for clarifying! Now if only we could get some seeders for DAY1, that would be great.

@wingyintang i think is my pc have some problem…i didnt jump to any scene…i jst normal play the video but still have this problem…and i try on my laptop didnt have this problem…I using VLC too…

@wingyintang Thank you for the information.
If the file is not broken it seems to be a problem with my PC.
Actually SAITAMA’s .ts also had similar problems, but I gave up immediately, because mp4 was seeded.
I will try to convert mp4 by myself now. My PC is not powerful so I do not know how long it will take …
It would be worth a try if there are no problems with the file.
Thank you again.

so what’s up with Osaka D1, is the file broken, just no seeders?

Is this osaka d1 and osaka d2?

I hope someone seeds the osaka day2 .mp4

@DiaRiko021 Day 2 osaka seed was normal and I got ~8MB/s, ONLY DAY1 was not completed seeding. seed availability is <1, can’t complete

@58754521848 no seeder, source file not completed seed yet

@m8589751467 / @bigheadzaii Those were TS file, I have similar problem using Potplyer with DXVA HW+ decoding. However I was Okay to use CPU decode. the TS video source was weird.

Can someone upload day 2 but 720p?

@citx01 great! Hardware decode setting … DXVA … Anyway, I changed the decode setting, it was able to play normally.
And my conversion work has not been completed yet. ?
I appreciate your tips and Google translation.
(Since I am not an English speaker, I asked Google for help in order to ask for help in the forum.)

I Can’t day1 downloding
Please day1 SEED

Day1 still dead
please seed it

Not sure why those TS of the 3rd live have problem. I have 1st and 2nd live (AQOURS) both can use DXVA hardware decode without problem

anyways software decode 1080P should not be a big deal today

TS day 1 SEED please!!!

it has best quality (~10mbit - 15mbit)

Day 1 seems to have no seeders. I want dem raws! not dem cheapo downscaled re-encodes