Upon finding out that Tatsuki and the team had produced another entry into the Hentatsu series (which I had falsely assumed was over with episode three), we worked around the clock to bring to you this latest episode!
Presented by:
Graze - TL, TS, Timing
jymmy - Editing, QC
Twitter - Video ( https://twitter.com/irodori7/status/990962771045924865 )
Previous episodes can be found at https://nyaa.si/view/1030508 !
Hope you enjoy watching and feel free to leave any questions or thoughts in the comments!
Comments - 3
It would be pretty great if you translate Kemurikusa or even more shorts by Irodori.
AMCGrady (uploader)
@principeinquisidor Sure, I’ll definitely consider it. I’m working on a much larger project at the moment, so probably don’t have the time to dedicate to it, but once I’ve finished that I can probably give it a shot. =)