Order a bowl of Chongqing– er, Xianglong noodles and enjoy episode #3 of Last Hope: Dimensional God Machine Pandora, the 飯テロ anime of the year.
Video: [FumeiRaws](https://nyaa.si/view/1026057) (Netflix rip)
TL: me
Editing, timing and everything else: Maxine
Softsubs: https://mega.nz/#F!vopk0TQJ!Hd-05KIf9_ESEDpljv79mg
Thanks for being so fast at releasing and getting caught up. I really appreciate you guys releasing this. Ep2 was extremely good and beautiful. THANKS!
Someone on /a/ already asked me to do it, but I'm just not sure if I have the time. Pandora takes priority, and, unlike the very much polished Pandora releases thanks to Maxine, you'd have to suffer my unedited ESL-tier lines.
Would be perfect if some of the remaining sub groups picked it up, there's not much chance with robot shows but a fantasy war drama thing should appeal to broader tastes, even if it's kind of a musical.
As is Pandora. They will, a release will probably drop in about September for both, with the second cour of Pandora in something like December. ID-0 was also in spring and had a worldwide October release.
Comments - 11
Anonyneko (uploader)
Anonyneko (uploader)
Anonyneko (uploader)